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War on Art

Laila Voss

This is the abbreviated title of a book by Steven Pressfield in which he discusses Resistance: resistance to the creative process and any cause that calls us. It is a toxic force that is experienced as fear. Fear precipitates flight.

An underlying connection to this theory is the dismissive attitude that continues to persist towards the deep value of the Arts. Harvard PHDs still brush Art off as touchy-feely, in spite of ever mounting statistics that reveal how exposure to the Arts and immersion through Art Education raises a community’s sense of well-being and results in students who are more engaged, confident, and are better able to succeed in school and beyond.

A recent overheard conversation revealed Resistance at work. An accomplished individual forcefully argued against school structures that move students from one class to another because jobs generally confine people to one location. Furthermore, taking subjects one had no interest in was pointless. With surging decibel and pitch, he railed against art class.

What hammer will dispel such hardened convictions? No matter what strategy or field we champion, if you are reading this, more than likely you are a warrior, too.

Laila Voss

Executive Director


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